Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ page). Below, we have tried to answer the most common questions visitors to this our Web site may have. If you find that your question is not answered on this page, please email us at: mail@lsyc.com
Q - Where is LSYC?
LSYC is located at the south end of Kipling Avenue, in Etobicoke, Ontario.
Q - What size of boat can the club handle?
Power or sail of less than 40ft.
Q - How deep is the basin?
4.8 m / 16 ft.
Q - How many boats?
We presently have 181 slips, located in a man-made basin, well-protected from the waves. We are surrounded by parkland.
Q - Where are the docks?
Parking and the clubhouse are on the land. To get to the docks, you must cross a public walkway
Q - What facilities does the club have?
The clubhouse has a large common area with a corner bar, a gas fireplace, a kitchen, upstairs meeting room, washrooms, showers and laundry facilities. In front of the clubhouse is a large outdoor patio and gas grills. We do not have a restaurant or licensed bar.
Q - Do I have to work at the club?
We are a true self-help club, bringing in outside help only during launch and haulout, as well as hiring 4 students during the summer.